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The Wellness Blog with Elaine Moore

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Elaine Moore's Blog
Elaine Moore
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Term: drug treatment
1 post(s)
Author: Elaine Moore's Blog Created: 8/6/2008
Topics, tips, general information, controversies and commentaries on a variety of health topics, by Elaine Moore.

Autoimmune Disease Treatment with Fewer Drugs

By Elaine Moore on 3/7/2016

A fascinating article, "Healing Without Drugs," in the March 11, 2016 issue of The Week describes inducing a Pavlovian type response to reduce drug dosages while deriving the same benefits as a higher drug dose. The article is excerpted from an article that originally appeared in

Research News
drug treatment
healing without drugs
Pavlovian response
toxic drugs

Graves' Disease and Autoimmune Disease Education
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