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The Wellness Blog with Elaine Moore

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Elaine Moore's Blog
Elaine Moore
300 82606 12/5/2020

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Main Blog

Term: IgE
2 post(s)
Author: Elaine Moore's Blog Created: 8/6/2008
Topics, tips, general information, controversies and commentaries on a variety of health topics, by Elaine Moore.

Seasonal Allergies Can Trigger Relapse in Autoimmune Diseases

By Elaine Moore on 8/24/2016
As IgE levels rise in response to allergic rhinitis, autoantibody levels rise, triggering relapses.
Alternative medicine
Autoimmune diseases
Graves' Disease
Research News
BACH2 gene
gene therapy
graves' disease
type 1 diabetes

New Allergies to Fruit Can Develop in Pollen Allergies

By Elaine Moore on 2/1/2016

In a Dec 10, 2015 Medscape article, Oral Allergy Syndrome: When an Apple a Day is Not Advised, Gary Stadtmauer, MD, describes the association between various pollen and food allergies. 

food allergies
oral allergy syndrome

Graves' Disease and Autoimmune Disease Education
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